Effects of feeding frequency on the growth and production performance of indigenous catfish Clarias batrachus (Linnaeus, 1758) in ponds of Northern Bangladesh
Effects of feeding frequency on the growth performance and production of Clarias batrachus was evaluated for a period of 180 days. Feeding frequency were once (T1), twice (T2) and thrice (T3) per day. Stocking density was 16750 fingerlings ha–1. The fish were initially fed 28% protein containing formulated feed at the rate of 8% of body weight which subsequently reduced to 5% at the end. The water quality parameters were monitored fortnightly and found similar across treatments and remained within the suitable ranges for aquaculture. The mean weight gain was 41.14±0.15, 44.49±0.78 and 56.10±0.86 g and specific growth rate (SGR) of 1.29±0.002, 1.33±0.01 and 1.44±0.01% per day in T1, T2 and T3 respectively. The highest survival rate was in T2 (96.23±0.76%) whereas the lowest was in T1 (95.32±0.76%). The lowest FCR (=best; 1.65±0.12) was found in T3 and the highest FCR (=worst; 2.14±0.15) was recorded in T1. The highest production was observed in T3 (3559.27±85.95 kg ha–1), which was significantly higher than that of other treatments. This study concludes that feeding three times per day is effective for C. batrachus.
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