Morphometric and meristic comparison of local and Thai Anabas testudineus
Local and Thai climbing perch, Anabas testudineus are locally known as koi in Bangladesh. These two are important natural and cultured fish. This study was carried out the comparative investigations on morphometric and meristic of local and Thai A. testudineus. Both the varieties were collected from different fish markets in and around Savar. The morphometric characteristics were higher in Thai koi than local and among them; total length, standard length (SL), length of 1st and 2nd dorsal fin bases, length of 1st and 2nd anal fin bases, abdominal regional length were found different. Proportion of SL and head length (HL), HL and snout length, SL and caudal peduncle length were different between the two varieties. Among the meristic characteristics; number of dorsal spines, dorsal fin rays, anal spines, scale on upper lateral line were found difference between local and Thai koi. The body spots and the colour at pelvic fin region were also different. The present study suggested that local and Thai koi are morphometrically and meristically different in many aspects.
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