Molecular characterization based on cytochrome C oxidase I gene of the family Channidae from different riverine systems of Odisha, India
This study focuses on four Channa species from the northern part of the Eastern Ghats in India: Channa punctata (Bloch, 1793); Channa striata (Bloch, 1793); Channa marulius (Hamilton, 1822) and Channa gachua (Hamilton, 1822). The aim is to determine whether their molecular divergence aligns with their morphological distinctiveness. The molecular analysis based on mitochondrial COI gene sequences revealed distinct clusters for each species and genus, with K2P distances ranging from 17.28 – 27.96%. Notably, C. marulius was positioned in a distinct clade separate from the C. punctata, C. striata, and C. gachua groups. Channa gachua clustered with Channa rara and Channa kelaartii, suggesting a close evolutionary relationship. Channa punctata and C. striata also clustered together, reinforcing their status as sister species. Species delimitation using the Assemble Species by Automatic Partitioning method identified 10 partitions, with the most reliable delimitation showing a clear separation of Channa species of Odisha. These findings align with recent analyses and confirm that the molecular divergence among the four species is consistent with their morphological differences. The study underscores the importance of molecular methods in resolving taxonomic ambiguities and understanding species diversity. It provides a foundational molecular database for Channa species, supporting future research on genetic divergence and contributing to conservation and aquaculture efforts.
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