Effect of carp species combination on production and economics of stinging catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis based polyculture in homestead ponds under drought prone area of Bangladesh
Aquaculture of homestead ponds under drought prone areas is climatically challenged by increased temperature and decreased water level. These ponds are potentials for farming of a short cycle aquaculture species like Heteropneustes fossilis with carps but lack of appropriate species combination is the major constraint for promotion of this technique. To address this problem, an experiment was carried out during July to December, 2019 to evaluate the production and economics of H. fossilis based polyculture under different carp species combinations in homestead ponds in Tanore of Rajshahi district, Bangladesh. Three different combination of carps were tested under three treatments as T1: Labeo rohita dominant carps (L. rohita 50%, Gibelion catla 25% and Hypophthalmichthys molitrix 25%); T2: G. catla dominant carps (L. rohita 25%, G. catla 50% and H. molitrix 25%); and T3: H. molitrix dominant carps (L. rohita 25%, G. catla 25% and H. molitrix 50%), each with three replications. Stocking densities were 123500 ha–1 for of H. fossilis was and 988 ha–1 for carps. Water quality was monitored monthly and found within acceptable range. T3 was found significantly (p < 0.05) better than other groups in terms of yield and cost benefit ratio.
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